Friday, June 6


Was amazing last night. And amazingly loud. My ears are still ringing, but I think (almost) everyone had an awesome time. I also saw a promenade-production of The Tempest, in which the audience walked around the gardens of Worcester college for the different scenes. It was pretty sweet as well.

I finished my last paper of Oxford today! (I still have a poem to write for next Thursday). Tonight will probably be filled with mellowness after last night, and in anticipation for Monday night in London.

I found out that my mom IS coming to England next weekend. Hooray! She can help me take home my stuff and avoid freaking out too hard about making my flight on time. And avoid overweight baggage charges. Did I mention that?

Aside from all of this, today has been tinged with a bit of melancholy. I am gonna miss these people, and it will be a bummer to not see many of them again. But as I (drunkenly) warned Sam last night, I'm eerily good at staying in touch with people. Take that, Atlantic Ocean / Rest of America! Ha!

Here's this:

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