Saturday, May 10

I'm gonna try, I swear.

Being as I have five weeks and two days before I leave this country (and this blog), I'm going to try and post every day until then. I think I've been lazy about it / procrastinating because I feel like I have to write longwinded accounts of my life, which is mellow at best. So here are some bulleted updates:

- Last night we played Sardines and I hid in the middle branches of a big tree for about 25 minutes before anyone found me. I had to give cell-phone clues. Losers.

- Looks like I'm going to be writing copy for a San Francisco chocolate company this summer. I'm overly excited, and will be even more excited if they tell me I'm getting paid. If not, I'll try and wheedle my way into going to work at camp so I can make some money this summer.

- There's a croquet field right outside my window, which is very distracting.

- I had two really fun club nights this week - one at Bridge which is (comparatively) classy, and the other at Filth, which is. Well. You get the idea.

- I've been listening to the Carnivâle soundtrack all today, and it's pretty glorious. Combine that with my recent obsession with Deadwood, and O Brother Where Art Thou before that, and I'd say I have a powerful case of Americana withdrawal going on. I've come to realize that just as Ohio made me truly appreciate California, England has made me truly appreciate Ohio / the majority of America which I often take for granted.

- There are enormous koi in the moat outside my window. The water plants are REALLY thick though, and I worry that the fish get tangled in them. So worried, in fact, that I told the Porters Lodge about this problem.

Last and CERTAINLY not least, a few days ago, the undergrads at St. Catz got this email (for reference, "entz" is a semiregular college-sponsored themed party):

Last night or early this morning the top floor kitchen of staircase 2
was befouled by a person unknown. The mess left was of the most
noisome and unsanitary kind. The housekeeping staff have fully cleaned
and disinfected the affected area. As a college we must be very
grateful that housekeeping undertook such an unpleasant task. They
have, I trust, our most sincere thanks and gratitude. We must also
register our deep unhappiness that such a task was made necessary.

From the point of view of general welfare, I urgently need to know who
was responsible for creating the mess. Until I am in possession of
this information, I cannot consider the college to be adequately safe,
orderly and under control.

In these circumstances, I will not allow Entz to go ahead. As of now,
therefore, the Entz scheduled for Thursday of fourth week is banned.

The Entz will be reinstated only if I am made aware of who created the
mess in staircase 2. Anyone with relevant information may contact me
in confidence.

The Dean.

I think it was worth going to England if only to see the word "noisome" written out.

Dear Sainsbury's

Card me once, shame on you.

Card me twice, shame on me.

Do I really look 17?