Friday, June 13

last dance

i think last night was the last time i'll go to a club in oxford. it just couldn't be any better. the music was awesome, the dj was AMAZING (one of them, anyway), i danced for about four hours. straight. the only downside is i lost my british cell. of course this happened because earlier in the night while talking about iphone paranoia with jon, i told him 'i wouldn't worry about it, i'm usually so paranoid about losing my phone that i never have.' WOOPS.

moving backwards in time, i had a straight up lovely final dinner with dara, jon, and brady, we dropped some hilarious embarrassing secrets on each other, and somehow even got free limoncello thrown into the deal.

we proceeded to a few pubs before going to the club, and it was awesome to see everyone out.

mom gets in to oxford today, so i'm super excited to see her and catch up.

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